Friday, September 6, 2024
HomeGeneralPierce Street Bike Path Project - Albany, CA

Pierce Street Bike Path Project – Albany, CA

Sometimes I’m surprised with the dedication to quality in people’s work. I recently visited the Hoover Dam and was amazed at the quality of work in the construction. There was a time where Americans believed and loved the work they did—there was a certain level of pride. Today, that is so far from the truth. I see the lack of dedication and lack of enthusiasm in the work place. I talk with many people who aren’t happy with their job(s). I also thought that the last stand in quality was still in construction but I was wrong.

A construction project outside my front door shows a lack of quality. I agree that construction jobs are hard but I don’t think this is one of the places where mistakes should be overlooked. The overall goal of the project was to redo the street and add a bicycle path. They made the bicycle path and replaced the road. I’m going to overlook the fact that the bicycle path is a half-mile of path that dead-ends. Right now I’m concerned with the striping. Striping is the process of putting the lines on the road, marking the parking stalls, and other paint that goes on the pavement.

The pictures below are from the job. I called up the Albany City Engineer, Ana Bernardes, who told me the striping was completed. I complained about the job and she informed me that she’ll take a look at it. Redgwick Construction Company executed the job (I’m sure they placed a bid on it and won) but I’m not sure if they were in charge of the striping. Today, there are a few more things left for them to do. I’m hoping they can clean up the striping before they completely check out.


Edel Alon
Edel Alon
Edel-Ryan Alon is a starving musician, failed artist, connoisseur of fine foods, aspiring entrepreneur, husband, father of two, geek by day, cook by night, and an all around great guy.


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