Many of you are still wondering how to help students fulfill community service requirements. Yes, some of them are gone but some institutions would like to see the numbers. Here are some activities you can do. Especially now with shelter-in-place mandates.
Activities to Help Fulfill Community/Volunteer Service Hours
Data Entry
Have them enter data that you’ve collected about your events. Could be entering in survey data into Excel to help you crunch the numbers.
Website/Social Media Updates
Have them update the website information with the back log of items you’ve already collected to update. They are well versed in social media and can prepare you some picture posts. Use applications out there to help schedule the posts.
Online Tutoring
There is a huge demand right now for tutoring. Have your student volunteer some time helping stay-at-home parents as they work from home.
Document Updates
Have them update documents with current information. Or take the outdated paperwork and have them make new forms, letters, etc…
Remember to log the hours!