Oh, the journey that culinary adventures provide the senses. Tempting taste buds, teasing the olfactory senses and forming part of our best memories. Summer picnics and wintertime soups.
Of all the nations in the world, America is blessed with probably one of the more diverse smorgasbords of opportunities, thanks to our unique melting pot of cultures. Successive waves of immigrants have brought with them the food of their home countries, and on just about any American Main street, you can find anything from Chinese and Indian to French and Japanese.
All of this is delightful for the committed chefs among us and does our taste buds a considerable service, but our waistlines are less than appreciative. But waistline ingratitude aside, we still believe that sometimes you have to throw away the rule book and indulge. (Just a smidge, mind you, 2022 beckons)
There simply is no way around it; the Holiday season in America is more than just time to wind down and bond with family and friends; it’s also the perfect time to participate in one of our national pastimes – eating. And it’s not just any old food, mind you; Holiday food from Thanksgiving onwards is loaded with delicious Turkey and stuffing, salads, yams, sweetened vegetables, and we’ve not even started on deserts yet.
Here are some inspiring ideas to get you started. You’re welcome.
Now we don’t want to cramp your style, that’s for sure, but we do want you to have a Holiday season to remember – for all the right reasons. So every once in a while, after you’ve sampled some delectable hearty meals like Jack’s Meatloaf, pop on over to your local fresh fruit and vegetable market to stock up on all the good stuff – and believe us when we say it, healthy does not have to equal boring.
Today we have the privilege of dozens of food styles and varieties from every corner of the world. When you’re looking at dining like a king without having to double up at the gym, Thai, Korean, Japanese, and Balinese cuisine offers dazzling flavors and scintillating scents – without the extra calories.
So much of what we eat is hardwired into our consciousness because that’s where we store so many of our memories. This is why childhood favorites are so hard to kick but never taste the same as how your mom cooked them, so when it’s time to start making some changes – phase them in.
Start with substituting ingredients, and over time, you’ll learn to appreciate the newer version of your favorite dish. Â
With all of that being said, we would be remiss if we didn’t remind you that eating healthy doesn’t mean eating bland – take this simple baked chicken breast recipe. Easy, delicious, and virtually – guilt-free.
And that’s just the start of your new food adventure. Satisfying your culinary cravings can be hearty, wholesome, and tasty, and you don’t have to sacrifice any of the flavors.
Always remember that food is so much more than just what we eat; it’s the heart of the home.
Happy Holidays, and Bon Apetite!