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HomeBusinessThe Recipe For A Successful Trade Show Appearance Is Right Here

The Recipe For A Successful Trade Show Appearance Is Right Here

Are you thinking about attending a trade show to gain attention from investors for your business? This is a fantastic opportunity but that also means that you need to make the most of it. So, how can you do this? Well, here are some of the key elements you need to ensure your trade show is a success. 

A Great Booth 

First, you need to make sure that you are creating a great booth or stall for your trade show appearance. There are lots of different types of booths and stalls. For instance, you can have a doubledecker stall. These can tower over other stalls in the show and are immediately noticeable. You will also need to choose between a custom-made stall and one that has been pre-made. The latter is going to be more budget-friendly. But the former will give you the best chance of standing out in a crowd. If you want more information on how your booth can look, check out this website

Awesome Team 

If you are wanting to come across well at a trade show then your employees need to be ready for it. Trade shows can bring a lot of attention to your booth and therefore questions might be directed to your employees regarding the company. Make sure you have prepared your employees for this and given any training they may require. Alternatively, if you are looking to bring a glamorous aspect to your booth and therefore your business then you could think about hiring models. Models will get your business noticed and get people talking about it. Whatever option you decide to go with, make sure they are prepared and ready for anything and everything that could happen. 

Unique Selling Point 

Having a unique selling point will certainly draw attention to your trade show booth. If you have something amazing to offer that isn’t on the market already then this will get a lot of attention from people passing by. Having a USP might seem easy, but it can be incredibly difficult to find yours as a lot of businesses will already be doing everything that you are. One example of a USP would be using technology as part of your trade show marketing. For instance, if your products match, then you could use VR as a way to bring them to life. This is still an exciting and relatively unused type of tech so it’s a great way to ensure your business does stand out. 


It’s worth thinking about pre-marketing to ensure that your business does stand out from the rest. What’s pre-marketing? Well, most companies usually focus on the promotion at the event itself which makes sense. However, you should also promote your business before the trade show even begins. For instance, you might want to set up a story on Instagram. You can use this to showcase your team preparing for the tradeshow and getting excited about attending. In terms of offline promotion, you might want to think about hiring a billboard near a transport link. That way, you can flash your brand name before investors have even walked through the door of the trade show. 

Promotional Merch 

Next, you should think about ensuring that your business is remembered. Once a trade show ends, investors are going to go back to their hotel rooms or get on a flight home. They will then think about the companies that they have seen and the ideas that were being promoted. You need to make sure that your business stands out from the rest. Believe it or not, this is easier than you might think to achieve. Promotion merch can go a long way to ensuring that your company is remembered over the rest. If you explore a website such as then you’ll see that there are various different types of promotional merch that you can use. If you give investors something like this that they can utilize, then they’ll always remember your brand. 


Finally, when you are attending a trade show, you need to make sure that you do have the right level of confidence. Remember, you are essentially selling the idea of your company, in the hope that other people will want to get in on the action. If you don’t have confidence in your idea and what you can bring to the table, then people are going to notice this. They will be more reluctant to support you or put their money behind your company. You should practice how to show the right level of confidence, getting the balance right so it doesn’t come across as ego. 


Edel Alon
Edel Alon
Edel-Ryan Alon is a starving musician, failed artist, connoisseur of fine foods, aspiring entrepreneur, husband, father of two, geek by day, cook by night, and an all around great guy.


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