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How To Keep Your Car Running On The Road


It’s important that when it comes to running a car on the road, it’s working at its best. After all, driving a vehicle is a dangerous activity, and with any potential underlying faults or problems, it could put yourself and others at risk.

You want to be at one with your car, knowing its typical habits, sounds, and behaviors when you’re on the road. That way, if anything is wrong, it’s something you’ll be able to spot almost immediately.

With that being said, if you’re looking to ensure your car remains roadworthy, then here are some top tips for keeping your car running on the road this year.

Maintain your battery

Your car’s battery is just like the engine of a car; it’s a core element that, without it, would mean the car itself wouldn’t run. That’s why it’s important to maintain the battery and to make smart decisions that keep your car’s battery in good shape.

Try not to leave the car running without the engine running. That means putting on your A/C or just your radio while waiting in the car for your passengers. Always make sure your lights are switched off; otherwise, that can run your battery into the ground and may result in it needing a replacement.

A replacement battery can be costly, so it’s important to ensure you’re doing everything you can to make sure your car’s battery is looked after properly. A couple of other tips to maintain your battery include:

  • Driving your car regularly
  • Keep your battery topped up with water
  • Invest in a battery charger where applicable

Keep an eye on your car’s engine

The heart of the car is your car’s engine, and some silly mistakes or habits can cause your car’s engine to check out earlier than its typical shelf life. Usually, the average lifespan of a car’s engine is 8 years or 150,00 miles. Of course, this is just an average, so you might find that you’re lucky and have an engine that runs for a lot longer.

Much like your car’s battery, there are a few things that can help ensure your car’s engine runs for longer. Firstly, make sure your car’s engine oil is changed regularly. This is the lubricant your engine needs to run efficiently, and if it’s not changed, then that could cause a wealth of problems.

Stay topped up on petrol, and don’t allow yourself to go down too low to the empty dial. Any warning lights that show up in relation to your engine should be seen immediately, so make sure that’s done also.

Drive carefully

Driving erratically is never a good thing for those around you or for your car’s health. From slamming on your brakes to driving it in overly harsh weather conditions, these bad habits can all contribute to the deterioration of your car’s health.

With that being said, take your driving with more care. It’s not only beneficial for your car’s health, but it ensures you’re also driving with more awareness of those around you. Driving too fast or braking harshly are two habits of driving that can end up causing car accidents and even fatalities. 

Remember what you were taught during your driving lessons, and don’t be tempted to develop bad habits with your driving.

Top up fluids regularly

Fluids are the lifeblood of your car, and just like humans, a car needs fluids to function efficiently. There are a number of fluids that need to be added to the car. These include:

  • Brake fluid
  • Motor Oil
  • Antifreeze
  • Coolant
  • Windshield washer fluid

All of the fluids that your car needs are important to top up. These can be checked regularly and should be done so depending on how frequently you’re using the car. Checking on a weekly and monthly basis is the bare minimum so that you’re not driving on low fluids and possibly causing more problems for the car as a result. 

Monitor your tire’s pressure

Tire pressure is essential when it comes to driving your car and keeping it running efficiently on the road. It’s the point at which your car has contact with the road, and therefore, it’s important to ensure the tire’s pressure is at the appropriate level. 

The appropriate level of your tire pressure can be found in the car manual. This should be what you aim for when filling your tires. Fill them too much, and you could risk them bursting. If you allow them to run flat, then this can cause the same outcome and less grip on the road as a result. 

Stick to your service schedule

A service schedule is something that should be adhered to. In the US, a lot of states require your car to have vehicle inspections. While they’re not as strict as some other countries, it’s something to take seriously regardless.

After all, having a professional take a closer look at your car is worthwhile in order to keep your car running on the road as it should. If you’ve not taken your car into a vehicle inspection service recently, then it’s well worth doing sooner rather than later.

Get repairs as soon as you notice the problem

Talking of services, if there are any problems with your car, it’s best to get repairs done as soon as possible. Professional auto repair services are readily available for those who are needing a quick fix for their car to get it back on the road.

Whether it’s a different sound or feeling as you’re driving the car, it’s important to act on your suspicions and get it checked out immediately. That way, you’ll avoid any underlying problems from getting worse and possibly running your car off the road for longer.

Keeping your car running on the road is something to be proactive about. With that being said, make sure to maximize these tips and look after your car properly. From topping up fluids to fixing problems as soon as they arise, it’ll ensure you get the most out of your car investment.




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